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Naomi Campbell Is Sober And Smiling

Naomi Campbell
Naomi Campbell has turned over a new leaf since her last assault charge.
She was once the mean girl of modeling, just as famous for her strut as her temper, but now she is channeling a more peaceful lifestyle.
The international supermodel has revealed what may be behind her new attitude – saying no to alcohol.
Naomi, who has had alleged drug problems in the past, says she no longer drinks alcohol when she parties and is a happier person because of it.
According to BreakingNews.ie, she said, “I choose not to drink today in my life because I find that I’m allergic to alcohol. I’m not someone that’s in denial of my problems and I’m not going to lie about my problems and I’m not hiding my problems. I have more energy and I have more fun than when I was drinking and I can hang out really late and get up early in the morning with no hangovers and still smile.”
Smiling is something that Naomi is doing a lot more of these days. Gone are the angry outbursts at personal assistants and now it is all about making friends.
Naomi has even been able to forgive and forget The Daily Mail newspaper editor Piers Morgan. The model sued the publication after it published photos of her leaving a drugs counseling session.
But, Naomi told Prestige Hong Kong magazine, “I don’t hold grudges and had moved on. Three years later when we did sit down, I felt we were two human beings who actually shared something pretty big in common, a very high-profile court case,” she said. “I found it really interesting, particularly since I also got the opportunity to ask Piers a few questions and make him sweat a bit.”