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Kate Moss chooses Irina Lazarean…

Irina, Kate's museSurely, it is not easy for a model to choose a model. Heroine Kate Moss found herself facing this tough decision and chose one alike herselfKate Moss chose the interesting Canadian model Irina Lazarean as the cover face of her KM Topshop line, which is supposed to appear at the Oxford Circus shop at the beginning of May.
Apart from being Balenciagi`s muse, Irina is also the cover face of the Japanese Vogue magazine. She is famous for her laid-back, carefree style and immaculate rock connections.
Kate, former Bambyshambles groupie and drummer, presented her in the Paris Vogue special edition which she edited in December 2005 and was so impressed with her that she hired her again.
Irina certainly has what it takes to present the long awaited fashion line of the year.