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From catwalk to Cabinet: Carla Bruni accused of being ‘the power behind Sarkozy’

Carla Bruni
has been accused of wielding excessive political influence over her husband, French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
The French First Lady was accused of being the ‘power behind the throne’ in a scathing attack by leading daily newspaper France-Soir.
The paper claimed the former model had moved from the catwalk to Cabinet in less than two years.
‘Although a discreet wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has in reality got her hand not just in the head of state’s diet and sporting regimes, but is also affecting the choice of government.,’ the paper wrote.
The French media and Sarkozy’s close friends all suggested it was his gruelling fitness regime encouraged by Bruni that lead to his collapse while jogging in July.
But France-Soir said today that Bruni’s behind-the-scenes power had extended well beyond her husband’s physical health.
The paper even suggested she had been at a meeting to decide the composition of Sarkozy’s cabinet.
‘Her influence feeds every kind of fantasy,’ it added.
It said it was her pressure that lead to Sarkozy abandoning his support for a new law that all immigrants should be DNA-tested.
When the law was first mooted two years ago, Bruni was quoted as saying: ‘I myself am just a very privileged immigrant.
‘What would have happened to me if my own parents had been subjected to DNA tests?’
The paper also claimed that Bruni was also responsible for the sacking of Justice Minister Rachida Dati, as well as the appointments of Frederic Mitterand as Culture Minister and Philippe Val as head of France Inter radio.
The paper added: ‘But she who admits to being instinctively left-wing is pulling her husband towards the centre, and abandoning the law on DNA testing is only the latest proof.’
The Elysee Palace said the allegation Bruni had helped to government ministers was ‘totally untrue’.
It added: ‘She has never attended these kinds of meetings.’
Meanwhile Sarkozy himself admitted to the French media that his wife’s importance was ‘immense’.
He said recently: ‘I attach great weight to what she says to me. Her views widen my outlook and my thoughts.’
But he added: ‘Carla and I speak a lot, but I think I have reached an age that allows me not to be influenced by anyone.’
Bruni has frequently denied she has any sway over her husband’s policies.
She said in a separate interview with Au Feminin magazine this month: ‘I have no influence on my husband’s political decisions. They are his and he makes them in his own name.’
source: dailymail.co.uk