Hailey Baldwin Stars In H&M Coachella collection 2016


Hailey Baldwin has teamed up with H&M on their H & M Loves Coachella collection.

As star of campaign, Baldwin appears alongside models Adwoa Aboah and Julia Cumming in a road trip through the desert modeling outfits inspired by the music festival’s sunny California, bohemian vibe.

Following the success of the first collection in 2015, this marks the second consecutive year, for the Swedish fashion chain. The collection includes shorts overalls, embellished denim vests, folksy blouses, beaded and fringed tops, denim cut-offs, floppy hats and flat boots for her; and printed, mismatched T-shirts, bermudas and denim shorts for him.

The Collection will be available from March 24 in the online stores of H & M.

Check out more behind-the-scenes images below and sound off on twitter @fmd1_com using the hashtag #lovefmd.







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