Miranda Kerr goes shopping with her baby

Repeatedly flattered for her magnificent after-birth figure, Miranda Kerr at last was noticed carrying her little gem, baby son Flynn on Tuesday May 10, meanwhile beauty was scouting shops in West Hollywood. Star parents’ baby boy seemed to look serene and calm, having an afternoon nap in the careful arms of his famous mother, and worn in blue striped wrapper, clinging to her shoulders. He looks like a really fast growing little one, still nurtured by suckling, counting only five months.

In between the congested work schedule Miranda enjoys the mother role, and tends as much time to pay her little Flynn, as she can afford. Also whatever the incident occurs, no one could deny the obvious fact, that even though on hot outside stroll her appearance from top to toe is due to be followed after. This time she has arrayed her slim body in plain black narrow skirt with embroidery on the gird and white sheer vest, adding chain handle black tiny bag. Australian lady tied her hair up on the back of the head and concealed her face behind the dark sunglasses and rose lipstick.