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Paris Hilton’s neighbors trying to remove her from neighborhood

Paris HiltonWhile Paris Hilton is still serving her time in jail her neighbors have launched a campaign to have her removed from the neighborhood.
Leaflets are being distributed to residents of the neighborhood by Christopher Hauck and Anne Goursaud. The flyers say “Since the arrival of Paris Hilton to our neighborhood, we have seen our quality of life deteriorate. Last week was intolerable. We feel we need to take a united stand. The circus will resume when she exits jail.” The pamphlet encourages residents to contact police and city councilmen about the issue.
“When Ms. Hilton was released we had more than 50 formal complaints filed about the helicopter noise and the street being too narrow and crowded with people. At this time the councilman is working to develop a specific plan to reduce the impact once Ms. Hilton is out. This will be out in the next week or so,” said Lisa Hansen, a media officer for city councilman Jack Weiss. “Unfortunately the biggest complaint is the helicopters and it looks at this point there is little we can do about them. We are looking at ensuring access to the neighborhood just for the residents. At this point, we are trying to see how we can keep the street open and minimize the crowds to help out the residents. This is the plan so far.”
Actress Cameron Diaz who is a resident of Paris’ neighborhood said “Paris made her bad choices, she’s going to have to deal with it, that’s her journey. She just has to get plastered all over the world. There were 10 helicopters above her house, which I live not too far from. I was like, ‘Could you please keep it down.’ We all suffer when Paris suffers.”
Hauck and Goursaud said they are thinking about hiring a lawyer to help deal with the issue.
The hotel heiress is serving a 45 day sentence she got after she was caught driving with a suspended license and violating her probation.