Exclusive : Jacqueline Thiessen Talks modeling, beauty and her new book

Julian Freyberg

Jacqueline Thiessen is a young ambitious model from Hamburg, Germany. Having modelling as her childhood dream, her way into the business was as special as it was public: She got inspired to start her way into the world of beauty by watching the TV-show “Germany’s Next Top model” hosted by Heidi Klum and later became a part of the show herself. During the show she not only gained a lot of first-hand-experience in modelling, but also become known to a broader audience of millions of viewers watching her making it into the season’s Top 10 with her determination and outstanding diligence.

Having more to offer than just stunning looks and a fierce will to make it on the catwalk, she not only combines working in the industry with studying at a university, but also found the time to publish her own book describing her experiences on the show, called “Life Edition” this year. After making it into the Top 10 of Heidi Klum’s show and by this becoming part of what she once aspired to herself, Jacqueline Thiessen remained true to modelling and continued her journey into fashion, which already led her to many shootings and fashion shows. Nonetheless, she still found the time to sit down with us and talk to us about her life as a model, beauty and her new book.

You just published your own book. How would you describe the content of your book?
It is a book with the aim to encourage it’s readers. You are beautiful as you are is the main point I wanted to make clear. It tells my story while being at GNTM and what happened to my afterwards with many private pictures, little secrets and funny happenings. What inspired you to write it? I always wanted to write a book and it was an honor to get asked so. I just wanted to help girls that dream about being a model and did not know, if they can do it. Have you gotten any feedback on your book so far? Was the feedback like you expected it to be? Yes, I do. It is very positively and really more than I’ve ever expected.

Did you always want to be a model, or did you stumble upon it, get discovered etc.?
I always wanted to try it, it was something like my big dream in childhood.

Who or what inspired you to become a model?
The German television Show “Germany’s next Topmodel”.

How did you get started in the modeling business?
I was a participant of the show “GNTM”.

What is your favorite or most exciting aspect about being a model?
It is the traveling and the possibility to meet different people all the time.

What do you like least about the job?
If you didn’t get the job.

What has been your most awkward moment (of your modeling career)?
Inside the show there was one time where i got ridiculed by the other participants. Outside of the show: When i was told to loose 20lbs even though i already do have a waist-circumference of only 93cm.

What’s the funniest thing that happened to you on a photo shoot or fashion show?
One time on a shoot a spider climbed on top of my head (starting on my left shoulder).

How would you describe yourself as a model in three words?
Changeable, motivated and always in a good mood.

Out of all the places your career has taken you, where was the most memorable?
New York. Because of the people ad the whole atmosphere.

Who is your favorite photographer? Why?
Christian Schuller because of the elaborate dresses and locations.

What was the hardest photo shoot for you, and why?
The Shooting with a snake, because a moment before it bite his owner in the arm.

What tips and advice do you have for aspiring models just starting out, something you wish someone would have told you?
Enjoy every day and don’t let critique get too close to yourself.

Have you had any negative experiences with model agencies, talent scouts? What are top 3 warning signs to look out for?
Don’t get critique get too close to you. Don’t loose weight below the healthy level. Always stay self-confident and don’t let yourself be put down.

Would you share some of your future goals, your life motto, any words of wisdom that get you by in life and professional career?
Listen to your heart – its always right.

What should a relationship between an agent and model look like?
Professional but friendly and trustful

Do other models inspire you?
Yes of course they do, but I try to find my own kind of basics and looks.

Is the fashion world what you expected it to be?
Absolutely, sometimes it is even harder then I thought it to be, but it is what I want to do and most of the time it’s a lot of fun!

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
I love reading, writing poems and storys, singing, dancing, and swimming.

Who are your favorite fashion designers?
They are so many I love! For example Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Michael Kors or Jil Sander

What things in your wardrobe would you never throw away?
My Promdress and some old clothes from my Mum – they involve such big memories.

What era would you like to bring back?
The 50ties with the Petticoats but also the Renaissance – all this beautiful dresses!

What are your best beauty secrets?
Don’t use too much make up and do things you love cause if you feel good, you look good 😉

Do you have any beauty/skin care tips or tricks to look fresh and rested for early morning photo shoots?
Not really, just stay away from sweets and maybe use a good daycreme at morning.

How much attention do you pay to meditation & exercise, or is it all natural? How do you stay in shape?
I do a little bit, like work outs and something like that, but not that much. It is natural too.

What is your favorite part about your body?
My blue eyes.

Favorite kind of food:
Everything of my grandmother

When models say they eat healthy, what do they mean by that?
We pay attention to what we eat and how much, but for me it is not that important, because I have a good metabolism.

How would you describe yourself as a human being in three words?
Very Committed, helpful and ambitious.

What’s controversial or unique about you?
I am very inconstancy.

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
I would like to be super clever – to know every language and every thing I want to. But would also like to be a mind reader.

What would you like to change about yourself if you can choose only one thing?
To be a little more confident about myself.

What are your favorite things to do in your free time?
Reading, singing and writing.

Do you have a mentor? Who? What is it about them that affects you? Why?
It is my Mom. She is always there for me and I can count on her in every single situation.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
A worldwide working model with a great man on my side.

Do people act different around you since you’ve become a model?
No not at all – happily

Favorite kind of music?
Rock, Pop and the charts but sometimes classic and Soul too.

Favorite television series or movie?
The kids of Monsieur Matthieu, all Harry Potter movies and the lord of the rings.

Favorite quote:
Remember who you are and who you want to be.

What’s your favorite fashion magazine? Why?
Vogue, because of the great ideas and new styles.

I’d like to meet …
Cara Delivingne and Lea Michele.

Happiness is …
The feeling to be where you had to be and don’t want to be anywhere else.

People have said I look like …
Cara Delevingne and Adriana Lima.

How did your career evolve after you finished the show?
I got a lot of requests for shootings – some of them paid, some not. Also some runway shows and representative requests.