It’s tough being an “angel.â€
Victoria’s Secret model, Magdalena Frackowiak made it clear on Saturday at the Victoria’s Secret photoshoot in St Barts that it is not always smooth sailing when it comes to doing a VS photoshoot. You’ve got to smile a lot, you’ve got to pose expertly and you’ve got to be able to off your super form at the best angles but even if you’ve got all of that down pat, it’s the little things that makes it hard at times.
In Magdalena’s case, the stunning tall Polish-born beauty had to stand perfectly still as an assistant misted her with a spray tanner to put just the right glow on her skin but it was not to the model’s liking so she made a funny face that seemed to say, “Yuck!†A short while later, the model showed off the results of the spray tanner by flexing her arms and running her fingers through her hair. Later, she changed from a colorful string bikini to a white and gold skimpy number and then to a pink and blue two-piece to show off her fake tan and she was all smiles as she grinned and posed for the cameras.
Magdalena who walked in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion shows in 2010 and 2012 was also voted by Vogue Paris as one of the top 30 models of the 2000s and with that title firmly under her belt, the model is currently enjoying her status as one of the VS models AND enjoying the warm balmy weather in St Barts which is one of the perks of being a VS model, you get flown to exotic locations to preen and prance on the beach and get paid well to do it. So what’s a little spray tanner now and then. We say, grin and bear it Magdalena, the rest is a piece of cake.
T. J. Mueller