Karl Lagerfeld announces the location for the next Metiers D’Art show
The man-in-the-know has spoken and so it shall be. Karl Lagerfeld has announced that the next Chanel Metiers D’Art show will take place in Dallas, Texas.
Why? Simply because Mr Lagerfeld says he loves Texans and he appreciated the support the American press and Dallas-based store Nieman Marcus gave to Chanel when it re-opened its doors after World War II. Makes sense right? As always there is more to the story where Mr Lagerfeld is concerned. “When Chanel reopened, the French press was beyond nasty. The only press that understood it immediately was the American press. So I think it’s a nice place to go there.†AND there’s more……â€With Texas, it’s a detail, but with little detail, you can make a whole story. I am a storyteller for that.â€
And he is folks. If nothing else he keeps our interest and that IS SOMETHING.
T. J. Mueller