Chanel’s Little Black Jacket exhibition will make UK debut this October

The iconic Little Black Jacket will finally make its debut in UK after having made its rounds in Tokyo, Taipei, New York and Hong Kong.

The exhibition which is based around Chanel’s classic little black jacket is the brainchild of Chanel’s creative director Karl Lagerfeld and ex-Vogue Paris editor Carine Roitfeld. Just how many different ways can you wear one little black jacket? According to the coffee table edition of the book, 113 different ways with the jacket adapting to each individual personality. Featured in the book are models, stylists, actors, designers and musicians all wearing the iconic little black jacket. It is sheer genius to be able to take one simple black jacket and turn it into so many looks and styles which is what this exhibition is about.

The book, “The Little Black Jacket: Chanel’s classic revisited by Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld will be on sale in stores this autumn.

Admission to the exhibition is free and will run from October 12th to October 28th. The location for the venue is The Saatchi Gallery located in King’s Rd in London.

T. J. Mueller