See what inspires the sexiest brand in the world….
…Victoria Secret launches its seductive web page.
From Victoria´s Secret at the Beach to Angels in Love to a Fabulous Summer and to Bombshell Icons and more, the popular lingerie company has launched its first Pinterest, an online pinboard which allows users to share favourite photos and icons.
The website is made up of 658 pinned images spread across 11 boards and embodies everything from the fashion labels creative and provocative sides.
VS at the Beach features wonderful locations for photo shoots such as Turks & Caicos, Barbados and St. Barths. As they say, “It´s a tough job but somebodys gotta do it.â€
Angels in Love features 82 pins with dreamy and oh so sweet pictures. They are right, “What´s not to love?â€
The Bombshell Icons is my favourite. It features the screen sirens of yesterday whose faces are unforgettable. Big name stars as sultry Vivian Leigh, blond bombshell Anita Ekberg, corn-rowed Bo Derek, pouty Brigit Bardot and sexy Raquel Welch among others are shown gracing this section. Looking at the pictures, we are reminded that these glamour girls of yesterday still have timeless-sex appeal and they personify the firm´s provocative style.
The website has been a huge success with the 2011 fashion show section showing the most followers- at last count 12,335 users. Users are also allowed to reprint pictures and photographs.
Victoria´s Secret has achieved what it set out to do with this site. The cult lingerie company has put together a website that portrays its sexy image. Sun, sea and sand, screen icons, teeny bikinis, photo shoots, glamourous locations and of course the labels famous underwear, all go to show the sexy inspiration behind the brand.
Well-done VS.
T. J. Mueller