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Bar Refaeli criticised by fellow catwalk queen over draft-dodging

Bar Refaeli
has been slammed by fellow Israeli supermodel Esti Ginzburg over her decision to dodge compulsory national service.
The 24-year-old was previously criticised by a retired general for her reluctance to serve and be drafted into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
And now, the former girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio has evoked fury from 19-year-old Ginzburg who believes the conscription was her duty.
“In order to contribute and help, in order to be part of the state, enlisting is a duty, not a choice,” the Independent quoted Ginzburg as telling an Israeli newspaper.
“There are a million things I don’t feel like doing, but I do them because I have to. Military service is part of the things I believe in, the values I was raised on,” she added.
Refaeli told a US magazine last year: “I really wanted to serve in the IDF, but I don’t regret not enlisting, because it paid off big time. That’s just the way it is; celebrities have other needs.”
source: britainnews.net