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Tom and Gisele hush hush on nest for li’l Brady

Gisele_BundchenTrying to keep up with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brady [stats]’s Adventures in Real Estate has our heads spinning.
First off, the pregnant supermodel Gisele Bundchen and her pigskin prince have been house-hunting in the Boston ’burbs – apparently looking for a massive manse with lots of privacy where they will raise their Brady Bump.
We know they checked out a place in Sherborn and rejected it. Ditto for Curt Schilling [stats]’s estate down in Medfield. Rumors are rampant that Tom and Gisele have decided on a massive 15-room, brick-and-stone castle in Dover that’s on the market for something in the neighborhood of $7.5 million. Nice neighborhood!
source: news.bostonherald.com