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Kate Moss left red-faced after mixing Ant and Dec up

It’s a standing joke that people can’t tell their Ant from their Dec – but that didn’t make Kate Moss feel any better when she got it spectacularly wrong…
The 35-year-old supermodel was at a posh London restaurant when one of the popular Geordie presenting duo waltzed in.
She began chanting: “Dec, Dec, Dec – I love you, Dec!” Which was a bit unfortunate since it was Declan Donnelly’s taller comedy partner, 33-year-old Ant McPartlin. D’oh!
Looking somewhat mortified, Ant ignored Kate’s caterwauling and escorted his wife Lisa to their table. Later, after a shame-faced Kate realised her error and sent over a note saying sorry, they all laughed off the error. Our spy reveals: “Ant and Lisa were out for a nice, quiet, romantic meal at J. Sheekey’s.
“As they walked in, Ant heard a woman excitedly calling out Dec’s name and beckoning him over.
“She and her pals were jokingly declaring their love.”Ant didn’t want to be rude, but thought it best he carry on to his table, and not embarrass the lady in question. He didn’t look round and had no idea it was Kate.
“Then as he was tucking into his main course, a waiter came over and handed him a note of apology, signed by Kate. It said something like: ‘I am so, sorry. I now realise my mistake. You’re Ant.’ And it had lots of kisses.
“Ant thought it was hysterical and had a real giggle about it. He went over to say hello, telling Kate she was forgiven.”
Ant and Dec, who met on kids TV show Byker Grove and have just published a joint autobiography, Oh What A Lovely Pair, know it’s a common mistake.
Our spy adds: “Kate hadn’t even been drinking. She loves Ant and Dec and religiously watches Britain’s Got Talent. She just got star-struck.”
And Ant was a gent.. he didn’t tell her to get on her Byke!
source: mirror.co.uk