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Victoria’s Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio trained for gain

VICTORIA’S Secret supermodel yummy mummy Alessandra Ambrosio has revealed how she got her catwalk body back in just three monthsafter having her first bub.
Ambrosio is no superhuman, but her amazing body transformation post-pregnancy involved hard work with a personal trainer everyday.
“We worked out every day. We didn’t have a day off because time was so short,” said Leandro Carvalho, New York-based trainer for the newest VS mommy Alessandra Ambrosio.
Ambrosio gave birth to her daughter Anja less than three months before, leaving her little time to get back to her usual sexy shape.
The stunner was even more pressed for time to firm up her abdominals because she’d had a Cesarean section, reports the New York Daily News.
“She was limited in the beginning,” Carvalho said. “She could not do crunches, sit-ups, lunges.”
But Ambrosio did what she could – climbing, walking and using ankle weights in the early stages.
source: news.com.au