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Naomi’s lost all that special lustre

naomi campbell topless
WHEN a stunning black model called Naomi Campbell burst into the national consciousness more than 20 years ago many of us felt a well of pride for her achievements.
Still just a teenager, the striking young woman from South London made history by becoming the first black woman to appear on the covers of French and British Vogue. As a young black woman myself I felt a rush of excitement. Naomi was lovely, a true ambassador for Britain’s growing black female population.
Here was a woman who despite a tough background her ambition, drive and rare natural beauty had allowed her to achieve her goal in a white-dominated industry.
When Naomi made that breakthrough, a mood of excitement ran through my community in Manchester and countless others across Britain. On Naomi’s wide eyes, coat hanger cheekbones and impossibly lithe limbs, we pinned our hopes for the future, and that of our daughters.
At first, Naomi did not disappoint. Almost overnight it seemed she had joined the ranks of true supermodels.
Soon she was earning a fortune, leading a jetset lifestyle, dating a string of the world’s most high-profile men and meeting, and campaigning for, Nelson Mandela. No wonder we were so proud of Naomi.
So why did I feel such despair at her comment this week that at 38 she could not retire from modelling because if she leaves the catwalk who will young black women look up to?
After all, today Naomi is every bit as gorgeous, on the outside, as she was 20 years ago. But now when I see her making headlines I cringe. I no longer feel pride, only embarrassment. For instead of inspiring and empowering Britain’s black women, Naomi has brought shame upon us.
The ugly truth behind the beautiful facade is Naomi Campbell has only ever truly promoted one black woman: Naomi Campbell. Not only that, but it has often been at the expense of her “sisters”.
The British model’s rivalry with black US supermodel Tyra Banks has been well documented.
Off the catwalk her example was every bit as damaging. Almost everything we read of Naomi is negative.
Naomi the bully; Naomi and her uncontrollable anger; Naomi and her outrageous abuse of others.
She has misused drugs and been so violent – verbally and physically – to those she has worked with that she has had to seek anger management therapy.
Eighteen months ago she pleaded guilty in a Manhattan court to reckless assault.
She was sentenced to five days’ community service for throwing a mobile phone at her housekeeper, Ana Scolavino.
This year she claimed to have been the victim of racism when she was arrested for assaulting two members of cabin crew aboard a BA flight.
Her defence? She claimed she had been “disrespected”.
This from a woman who has habitually “disrespected” just about everyone with whom she’s ever come into contact.
She was ordered to do 200 hours of community service and was fined $4600.
I worry that far from paving the way for other young black beauties to scale the heights of the fashion world she has closed more doors than she has opened.
And who can blame designers, photographers and agencies if they – wrongly – believe Naomi is typical of her generation?
Role models are vital to young people if they are to fulfil their potential and not go off the rails.
Unfortunately, too many sport stars and celebrities do not realise just how much the young look up to them. This is why I appeal to Naomi: if you really want to further the cause of black women, step aside and let someone more worthy take on the mantle.
You would be of far greater good promoting the African modelling agency you have set up. The sad truth is, no matter how beautiful your features, you now carry a lot of unsightly baggage, and every time you make front-page news, the world is reminded of your temper, your selfishness and your hypocrisy.
source: news.com.au