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‘Scrubbing floors and hitting maid’ is Naomi Campbell’s claim to fame!

Naomi CampellIt seems that Naomi Campbell’s hot-headed antic of attacking her maid and the subsequent community service has landed her a prestigious deal.
The supermodel is reportedly thrilled with her June cover of W magazine and was overheard telling pals that she was the first black model to appear on the cover page of the esteemed fashion monthly.
And Naomi thinks that the community service, which followed her aggressive attack on her maid, was responsible for the impressive pact.
“All I had to so was scrub some floors and hit my maid,” the New York Daily News quoted Naomi, as saying.
Meanwhile Naomi has poured her heart out in a diary she kept while scrubbing clean a New York Sanitation Department garage as part of her community service, and revealed that she found ‘solace’ in it.
The British supermodel, who was ordered to clean up the garage as punishment for throwing a phone at her maid, wrote in her diary that she had found a new “peace” thanks to the service.
“I find solace in sweeping. I have no other responsibility. I have no phone. I have the time to think. Just have, you know, peace,” she said.