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A summer wedding for Kate Moss and Pete Doherty

Kate MossWill they? Won’t they? The Kate Moss and Pete Doherty saga’s been going on for ever, but a happy ending finally seems imminent.
Kate’s recently been having the grounds of her 17th-century rambling mansion in the Cotswolds village of Lechlade measured up to see if they’ll fit a marquee, causing speculation that there’s some sort of big event in the planning.
‘I can’t imagine what else it could be for,’ says Kate’s biographer Fred Vermorel. ‘I think it’ll be a big wedding, too. Kate’s gatherings are always large.
‘There’s a 13th-century church next door, but a church wedding may be a bit too romantic for her. And, of course, they won’t want all the attention that the tradition of the posting of the banns might bring.’